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NDP deliberately confusing the carbon tax debate

Just read this article on at by Tom Barrett. Was nice to read something on The Tyee that does not simply buy the entire NDP line without any critical analysis. While Barrett does not get into why the NDP would use confusing math and confusing statements to confuse voters about the carbon tax, I would say that they are doing it because if they were straightforward and honest about the carbon tax it would not make sense to oppose it. It is difficult to really understand what the carbon tax will do, and how much it will cost people, Barrett highlights how difficult it is to understand the carbon tax, but difficulty aside, conceptually a carbon tax makes sense for the environment. I would have no problem with the NDP standing up and pointing out that the carbon tax that has been implemented leaves much to be desired, and perhaps suggesting their own carbon tax proposal, but simply opposing the carbon tax and saying that cap and trade is the answer is bad environmental, and political policy, in my view.

You would think that the NDP would want to position itself as the greenest party for the upcoming provincial election. By opposing the carbon tax, even if they propose other green initiatives, the BC Liberals will be able to paint the NDP as opposing effective green policies. The Axe the Tax campaign might play well with rural and northern voters, but I think that in the cities it will not appeal to Liberal voters, and some NDP voters may drift to the Green Party if the environment is their number one issue. There is still time for the NDP to propose an alternative carbon tax, one that could be fairer to the poor and the elderly, and one that could potentially catch more large final emitters who do not pay the tax under the Liberal plan. As it stands however, I think that the NDP just looks like they are opposing a decent, if flawed, environmental policy.

August 8, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , | Leave a comment